Tuesday, May 8, 2012

an INSIDE day!

Yesterday was another HOT one and an INSIDE day!  The sea breeze was colliding out there ... just hoping we would actually get rain.  It is so dry here and I've been bad keeping up with watering.  Yeah, we did get rain!

Over the week end, I brought the table inside.  I originally thought I would finish it up outside but the grass (weeds) got cut and it flew onto the table.  I was happy it wasn't wet with paint, wax or poly.  I'll finish it in the kitchen. 

So from here to there:

I put the table cloth on right away.  Before I start waxing, I wanted it covered so not to get any thing on it.  Now I am looking at the chair, and although it isn't done, I'm wondering if too bold next to the table.

First thing is first... let's finish the table!  

I did spend the day inside and I'm wondering if it's already summer here.  I finally made some headway in straightening up the living room... which is a relief.  But during my breaks I keep thinking I want to do something to the top of the table but decided I'd use the lazy susan instead.  I wanted some type of Gothic Cross but couldn't find exactly what I wanted,  so started designing my own...

It is starting with an outline of a wall candle holder in the kitchen:

and I'll dress it up like this:
This to me is fun.  It's another INSIDE day, although the humidity is down.  I am on a roll with a few things so I want to keep going on those things and see how far I can get.

I hope you have a great day!

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