Monday, October 15, 2012

Welcome to my "ART PATIO"

The weather is gorgeous... absolutely perfect!  I started writing this Friday night, almost 11pm, because I was exhausted but too lazy to get up and go to bed.

It was so nice this morning that I took my coffee and my "big girl tools" out to the patio.  I finally had the room to get organized and I think I know where I  stand now.  So let me show you...

It's Sunday Morning as I continue this post...

I have been busy, busy, busy!  I think I finally got it together yesterday...figuring out what needs final touches, giving final touches, organizing completed items...I broke a drill bit!  I got 4 hours sleep last night after spending the night making LISTS!!

any suggestions for a larger carrier?

I started off all over the place, until I got it under control.

I am loving these... hope everyone else does!
Sorting out everything... finally got it together so I know what I've got done and what needs to be finished:

My cousin posted this the other day and think it would make a great sign, if I can paint the words straight but maybe another way... we'll see....

and Sunday's crafting: 

 That's it for now... today is Monday and I really need to get some other this done before working on the patio again.  I feel like a creative monster and I can't shut my brain off!  I can't sleep!

Hope you follow my Face book page to see more pictures!  Have a great day and I'll catch you later!



  1. Hey girl...this is all so FANTASTIC!!!... Wow!!... love all you have done. So proud of the organizing you did...way to go!! Bravo! Very smart of you to do that. I'm so excited for you. I'm so glad I'm back on-line so I can follow your progress and all your adventures!

    1. Thank you Laurie!! I am so glad you're back! Always love to hear what you think!


Sorry but I had to take 'open/anonymous' comments down due to spam. I apologize but still would love your comments.