Monday, October 8, 2012

Hello Fall!

 Hello Fall!  kinda  The cold front that the rest of the country is starting to enjoy or experience is stuck just to the north by a Bermuda high... LOL  which simply means, it is still getting hot and humid here.  We are still have sea breeze storms in the afternoon and evening.  It isn't too bad but the air conditioner still runs because of the humidity.

So, the best I could do was put out a few decorations in hopes I can open the windows soon...that's what I'm looking forward too!

I filled the back of my wagon with coconut fiber, pine cones, gourds and scare crows...there's garlands of berries, colorful maple leaves and mums.

palm trees and fall

I think I'll do a little tweaking but I got this done just before the lightning started!  The clouds were coming and the rumbles got closer:

Have a great day!!


Sorry but I had to take 'open/anonymous' comments down due to spam. I apologize but still would love your comments.