Friday, January 25, 2013


I was just starting off on this journey and not sure where we were going... it was like setting sail in uncharted waters depending on the wind in my sail... and I thank you all for following along.

Here's last year's January 2012 posts when I started playing with maps.  The little dresser in the bathroom is done painted and with maps.  The bookcase is still in the living room but will go into the "art studio" when I get that far.

I still am the 'little train that could' but have a better idea of the direction of where I am going.  I am very excited going forward.  I have shared some very personal stories (like this one...) and I am sure there will be more, but I am excited to share the growth...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Finding that inner piece...

Finding that inner piece PEACE...

 Before you start reading and think I have a magic potion or formula to share, I really don't...and some times there still is a struggle but it doesn't last as long any more.  
At the end of my day, I am thankful, I am confident, I know I have done something good and have accomplished even a small amount.  I have renewed my spirit, my faith, my talents and I am confident going forward on this journey.  I am happy to be who I am, where I am, what I am, and how I am getting there day by day.  And that is what gives me peace.

I am not surrounded by only positive people but I have learned better to take what you can and leave the rest behind.  There are so many cliches I could or should come up with here but...

I now make an absolute effort to think positive, stay positive, be positive and pass positives along.  I try my best that if I have nothing nice to say or a positive assistance to pass along, I say nothing.  That happened  to me not too long ago.  Not able to get a word in edge wise or to get a positive word in, I just sat back and listened.  Someone was in a bad spot and I decided she needed to get the hurts out without anything I could say.  Sometimes, all we need is someone to listen to us without judgement and/or a remedy.

I have made new friends that are here right where I need them.  Similar and different enough that we get along great.  A godsend to me.  They have rekindled parts within myself, I learned some lessons and been reminded that I CAN!  Everyone can use encouragement.  I have been renewed and reminded of sharing good times, good fun, good food, good drinks, and good laughs with good girl friends!

I don't know exactly when, although the first one was almost a year ago... I had my own ah-ha moment.  I had spent months with my elbows rested on my legs, my head in my hands, praying...pleading.  It did take a couple of days to get that message through my thick skull but it penetrated!  There were a few moments of ups and downs but the downs are now few.  

It's easy to get lost on the journey.  I lose track of days, every day.  But I do know when it's day light and thank God for it.  And I do know when it gets dark and thank God for that.  I have started a Gratitude Jar for 2013.  All it is, is a mason jar that I use heart shaped post its and date, write a good thing and fold and put in the jar. It is so nice to be able to think of more than one thing to be grateful for but even one thing came bring peace.

Like I've said, there is no easy solution to finding inner peace and it's different for each of us... and we find it different times and ways.  But what I did find out was: it was right inside of me all the time!  


Monday, January 21, 2013

Getting ready for the Journey's Anniversary!

It is almost a year since this blog started and the Facebook page hit the road!

It has been an awesome year and I am so excited and so happy to be where I have been and where I am now... and now very excited to see where I go this year and where I will be next year.

So many things have happened that have taken me to this spot and so much in the works.  I am learning and doing so much more that I can not be happier... or maybe I can...maybe I will.

Every step this year has been a step closer to today, but closer to tomorrow.  I was recently told a story:
Just as elephants leave the herd and go off to an other area to die,   people go off into 55+ Communities to die...!!
Where I live, I can see this, but it is not true of everyone.  There are people here that have lived here full and part time for nearly 30 years.  Some are set in their ways and not very social.  They stay home and grumble about anything different that people want to do in the park as a community.  Then there are others that have great ideas but seem to feel that what they want to do should be what is done.  When someone else has an idea, they buck it.  If they are not in the center of it there is a negative attitude and vibe that goes around... and talk behind your back goes on.  There are no "cliques" but a certain group sits alone facing the rest of the group.  New people are moving in, who are interested  "living"  which helps those of us not ready to lay down and die, but have fun.  

It has been difficult seeing a great idea turned into something grumbled about I {think} I've gotten over it...and keep plugging along to have fun.

Another great thing is only recently... I started a new prescription for my osteoarthritis.  I can almost do a happy dance!  There is nothing worse that mentally being in a good place and your whole body screaming in pain.  It has been such a relief to be able to move around and do things.  Don't get me wrong.  I still feel the localized pain, I know it hurts and where.  But I have a new relief that my body isn't in a tight grip of a pain vice and I can accomplish things.  My big challenge: not to over do it!

I unexpectedly found some new furniture that I am very happy with for the kitchen and living room.  I donated some furniture.  I moved some pieces outside.  My patio over hang finally does not leak.  I have started setting up a seating area outside to chill and enjoy "happy hour".

I am still in the process of sorting and clearing inside because my next big-ish things to do is:
  • floors
  • make my new art studio inside
  • get serious about working with Sherry @Paintin Place
I am so excited to get on with those things but I have to keep in mind NOT TO OVER DO IT all at once.  To be set up a little bit better, would give me the perfect break and sit down and paint!     

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Name your Home...

I've wanted to name my home but "life" always got in the way...

How To Name Your House (Link)

Prior to a bill being passed requiring the naming and numbering of streets in Britain in the mid 18th century, the naming of houses was the only means of locational identification. The naming of homes gave character and personality to each area.

This tradition was brought to Australia by the first British settlers, who often named their homes after places they longed for in England.

Today, Australians come from every country in the world and the variety of names is boundless. To start you thinking about a name for your home, we've compiled this list.

You can derive inspiration from anywhere... perhaps even give your home a made up name by taking the first few letters of your own names (eg. Barbara, Robert and Sally, becomes "Barosa" or "Barosa House"). You might like to add a suffix such as : Villa, Lodge, Court, Place, Downes, Hall, Cottage etc. The geographical location of the house and the surrounding vegetation can also suggest possibilities (eg. "Hillcrest", "Seascape", "The Pines" and "The Gums").

Your house may already have a name. You may find this on the title deeds especially if it is old enough to fall under the Old Systems title. Incidentally, this form of Title Deed lists the names and occupations of all the previous owners and this, in itself can be a source of inspiration for naming the house.

Other sources of information are the local Post Office, the local Council, local historical societies and also the State libraries. In Sydney it is possible to find the original names of older houses in the Sand directory in the Mitchell Library.

A good source of Aboriginal names can be found in "Aboriginal Place Names" published by Reed Books P/L.

Here is a gallery of photos of signs.

If just making a sign of your name and possibly the number, I would suggest 3 colors: background, lettering and trim.

If your sign will have a picture on it, do the picture first, in it's true colors, or a silhouette, and use an accent color for the lettering.

Although wood is commonly used, you can use just about anything... a big rock, slate, glass, metal...

What you paint with too is up to you but I would definitely recommend sealing it, to withstand the weather, with poly.

A list of Beach House Names

Completely Coastal put together a great list!

Here's some pictures of House Names on Fire Island (NY).

Even Jimmy Fallon got into the act with Punny Beach House Names.

So what better way to start the new year than with a name for my home and a new sign for it!!

Journey's End
pat and heidi's beach hut

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Change your attitude!!

Another new year, but I am not making any resolutions.  I want to continue my journey to continue on a positive path, coming to terms with my limitations but working on the gifts I do have and work on expanding and sharing them...creating myself.

I just read a quote...
Anywhere is paradise; it's up to you.  ~Author Unknown

I found a good page here:  Attitude Quotes, Sayings about Positive Attitudes and Thinking, Mind over Matter.  What a mouthful but a good approach to life.

 The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. ~C.C. Scott
"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. "
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

I will continue to focus on the positives...I hope you'll join me.