Part 1 ~ Becoming Living Room Proud
I just have to express my frustration. While I was working on the living room, I put together power point presentations. I took pictures and took you through the process, including DIY ideas and how to. I have not been able to figure out how to get it on here and now I can't even do a copy and paste! I am going to try to recreate a shorter version - - if I miss anything PLEASE let me know or ASK.
OK, here we go:
I did this wall by wall and only just realized that this has been a 3 month process. The kitchen and living room open up to each other. The kitchen is yellow and the yellow ceiling will continue into the living room as well. So I wanted a color that would go; but more than that I wanted a color that would be beachy, happy, bright and fun! My original idea was a sea mist but when I looked at colors, I was drawn to aquas. I wound up with ACE Hardware's "Going My Way". And still using Benjamin Moore Little Angel (yellow) paint on the wall and ceiling.
From here I wasn't sure where I was going. I sat and stared at it and it suddenly came to me:
Thank you Maya
A LIGHTHOUSE BEAM WAS BORN! This little light of mine will reach out, skim the water and reach out and down the dark hallway.
Just a little 'water' at the bottom but the beam will go straight down the wall and down the hallway. Between the two colors, the living room is much brighter and much HAPPIER! And the yellow opens it up rather than boxing in the small living room.
That was the last wall painted, although parts of the ceiling still needs to be painted. I know, I do things completely backwards but that's the way it goes and it is easier for me physically. Now to get things back together... and I am still working on that part! So wall by wall, here's where I am:
For the most part, this was just painting the room and rearranging my own accessories in a more deliberate way. I painted some shelves and frames and still have to do more. I still want to recover toss pillows, the couch and chair. Anything I do now going forward should be done in controlled chaos.
I'll give you more complete pictures, coming up and some ideas I came up that even surprised me.
Have a happy day! ~pat
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