Today's Exercise 5
Write the one thing missing in your life... write a paragraph on your thoughts and feelings on that void and sketch/draw/paint in your journal.
Living alone, of course, has its ups and downs. But what has happened to me is there are things I love to do, things I like to do and things I'm not crazy about but have to be done. When I was working outside the home, things still got done before or after work and on days off. Now, not working outside the home, it is so easy to fall into a trap of there is always tomorrow! That just means I don't feel like it! Which can mean that things pile up until they become over whelming and then, where do I start? Things then are no longer enjoyable or fun because whatever it is now a chore and I don't like chores.
As some of you know, I have been pushing myself (too far) to do certain things around here that need to be done. When I push myself too far it sets me back and sits me down for days sometimes. But what I am realizing is, I am allowing the pain to steal my joy and just sitting it out!
So, my answer to today's exercise, in short is: My time management sucks! All my time is mine to do as I want and wound up in the trap where I pretty much do NOTHING! I have taken time for granted and there's something to the words: "to live like you were dying"!
I am feeling encouraged, good, focused, on my way! Focused on moving and going forward ~ excited!
Another part of today's exercise was to take this photo (Morning Walk and Meditation) and share something inspirational:
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Photo Credit: Design Your Life |
I added the prayer:
My journey begins and ends at the beach...
Good Morning Lord, Thank you for another day to breathe the salty fresh air and fill my lungs with your wonder. Thank you for another day to feel your tide ebb and flow as you tug on my feet to remind me to stand tall. Thank you for the majestic view as far as my eyes can see and remind me that I am one of your creatures as we share this beach. Thank you Lord for reinvigorating my soul! Amen
I hope you have a wonderful day! Until next time....